Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Being Honest When Final Examination

Be Honest is Better

     Everyone certain cope a final examination at school. If we pass the final examination, we will go to next grade. But if we fail the final examination, we have to study over again. That's cause of why everyone consider that the final examination is frighten. We will try hard to success on final examination so don't need repeat it again.
      Often to get the success, someone do an underhand way. Beginning from cheat, work together with somenone else, or make a note with purpose can be opened when during final examination .
 But, you need to know that it is false action. It can trap yourself. You will feel not comfort. That action also mean that you are not honest.
      Honestly have to practice on all things. If you begin something with falsehood, you can't find something advantage from your activity. Moreover you will get disaster. Falsehood is not good. A cheat action is damage your opportunity. Maybe if you don't cheat you can reach a good value from your ability. But, because you do it you loose your chance.

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